Double cleasing is essential to every skin routine. The cleasing step is the most important part to keeping your skin healthy and happy. Doing a double cleanse helps to effectively remove all the dirt and impurities from your skin to give it the perfect base to apply your other skin care products. But what should you use?

An oil cleanser is the perfect first cleanse for all skin types. The oil will help to break down all the makeup, dirt, and suncreen that has built up throughout the day. Oil will also get into your pores and push out blackheads if you manipulate it on your skin for long enough. And for dry clients, it helps to soften your dry patches for better product absorption. After manipulating into your skin, apply a small amoutt of water to trap in all the dirt, and then wash away.

Your second cleanser you should choose based on your skin care needs and concerns. A cleanser with squalane or hyaluronic acid will be a good choice for dry clients. A cleanser with niacinamide or salicylic acid will be a good choice for clients struggling with acne. A cleanser with glycolic acid or vitamin C will be a good choice for clients with dull skin. This cleanser actually gets the chance to thoroughly cleanse off all the impurities and get into your pores, now that all that dirt and makeup is out of the way. Your skin cant get the proper clean it needs without going in twice.
So no matter your skin type, wether or not you wear makeup everyday, double cleansing can help to improve everyones skin. Take the time for yourself, you deserve it.